Monday, 12 December 2016

KCALS: Pomegranate

KCALS: Pomegranate: Delicious fruits with beautiful red color yet full of benefits. Amazing ruby red. LOL Facts about this amazing fruits 1. Ruby red Is ...


Delicious fruits with beautiful red color yet full of benefits. Amazing ruby red. LOL

Facts about this amazing fruits

1. Ruby red
Is the traditional symbol of Christmas in Greece. Opps just add for extra information.

2. Anthocyanins
 Because of the red color, it rich in flavonoids called anthocyanins, antioxidants that help in lowering cholesterol, and reduce blood clotting also fewer markers of oxidative stress. Therefore this antioxidant also inversely associated with coronary heart disease.

3. Ellagic acid
Pomegranate also rich with ellagic acid; with the ability to prevent or slow the spread of cancer, and its potential to reduce obesity and other related metabolic complications such as type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and atherosclerosis.

4. Fibers
It's can provide you with 14%DV of satiating dietary fibers.

5. Pick and storage
Choose pomegranates that are plump, round, and heavy for their size. It last one month in a cool and dry place and two months in refrigerator

Monday, 5 December 2016

Why healthy diet seems difficult??

What behind this??

Healthy dietary practice must be a part of life to stay healthy throughout  life. But, many factors contribute towards the unhealthy diet and sedentary life styles. Personal, social & environmental factors is the main contributors. Individual factor is including lack of nutrition knowledge, motivation, and self monitoring. Even though peoples is getting smarter but with easily access to information via internet, some might get wrong facts about diet such as fad diet, detox drink, and etc. There are so many people claims as nutritionist and dietitian online. The best example is those that sell weight loss product online come out with many claims. People needs to get the right fact and information from the right sources, Do not easily belief to product that claims in curing disease, promote weight loss and boost metabolism. The individual factor also include the physiological factors. Example when the person eats sugary food or refined carbs, they tend to eats more since they do not feel full. Eat food with high fiber content can be helpful to promote satiety and feeling full longer. Refusal to eats fruits, vegetables and dairy product also is very common.

Social support is very important in healthy dietary practice. Family, friends, and community is very influence in our daily diet. Because we used to eats together and food choices must be acceptable by everyone. The problem is when we choose unhealthy diet such as fast food, dessert, midnight dinner and etc. Individual basis self monitoring is very important to build the best social support group in practicing healthy diet.

Environment factors included food availability, food ads, promotion, food outlet, restaurant and fast food, make people have so many unhealthy choice of food. Food and beverages industry is rapidly developing and not so many F&B industry follow healthy dietary guidelines.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016


Peliknya tajuk sukusukuseparuh!!!

KKM ada melanjarkan pertandingan Selfie/Wefie untuk #pinggansihatmalaysia. Mana-mana yang berminat boleh la layari website KKM atau cari jea kat Facebook Page KKM.

Apa yang penting bukan pertandingan semata-mata. Apa yang ingin diterapkan ialah amalan pemakanan sihat dan seimbang melalui pinggan sihat(healthy plate).

Suku daripada pinggan kita hendaklah mengandungi sumber protein seperti, ikan, ayam, daging atau kekacang. Anda disarankan makan ikan sekurang-kurang 3 kali seminggu.

Suku daripada lagi hendaklah mengandungi sumber karbohidrat seperti nasi, mee, roti, bijirin dan ubian. Anda digalakkan mengambil sumber karbohidrat yang bijirin penuh tau wholemeal.

Separuh daripada pinggan pula terdiri daripada sayur-sayurandan buah-buahan. Bagi pesakit kencing manis disarankan mengambil hanya 2 hidangan buah setiap hari. Sayur-sayuran yang pelbagai warna dan bentuk amat digalakkan.

Jom makan secara sihat. Makan ikut pinggan sihat,

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss


The main component in ACV is Acetic acid which may interfere with the body's ability to digest starch. Studies show supplementation with ACV help lower the blood glucose levels. 

"Supplementation of a meal based on white wheat bread with vinegar reduced postprandial responses of blood glucose and insulin, and increased the subjective rating of satiety." E Ostman, et al,2005Vinegar Supplementation

With that, supplementation with ACV before meals, reduced postprandial responses and increase satiety. Therefore, it is seen to promote weight. As ACV is acidic, choose with label 5% acidity which is considered low acidity and tolerable to consume. As the acidity can cause teeth erosion and trout pain. Right doses is important since ACV is acidic, try to mix 1 Tbsp ACV with 8oz of water. Regular consumption with dietary modifications will show positive weight loss.

Anti-obesogenic effect of apple cider vinegar in rats subjected to a high fat diet

The study by H Boderbale, et al(2016). Study shows significantly decrease in body weight and food intake. Besides, it also decreases serum glucose levels  and improves the serum lipid profile by reducing plasma levels of total cholesterol, TG, LDL-c , VLDL and the total lipid, and increasing HDL-c. Apple cider vinegar  proves in the study to have a satiating effect, antihyperlipidemic and hypoglycemic effects, and seems prevent the atherogenic risk.

Saturday, 29 October 2016

World Stroke Day: 29 October

Condition when blocks blood flow to the brain

World Stroke Day is dated on 29 of October to marked the serious and danger of the disease,raise awareness about prevention and treatment  and continuous care and support for survivors. Stroke become one of leading cause of death worldwide include Malaysia and a leading cause of disability. Commonly, after stroke certain part of body lose its function.  A stroke is as "brain attack" that can occur to anyone at anytime. Stroke happen when blood flow to an area of brains is cut off when brains cells not get oxygen and begin to die. Therefore, when brains cells die, abilities controlled by that area of the brain such as memory and muscle control are lost. This is the reason why survivors of stroke lost their memory and body function.

The effects of a stroke vary based on the site and severity of brain injury. Cardiovascular and stroke risks are related. They share risk factors such as high LDL(bad) cholesterol levels, low HDL(good) cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, diabetes, physical inactivity and being overweight or obese. In short, the risk factors are a preventive measure  for cardiovascular and stroke. Lifestyle-related risk can be reduced to prevent brain stroke, WHO has urged people to quit smoking and drinking alcohol- two factors alone that significantly increases the occurrence of stroke.
Low fat diet, DASH diet, heart-healthy diet, and physical activity considered as the effective ways to lowered the risk factors for cardiovascular and stroke.

Kegemukan berpanjangan meningkatkan risiko kanser wanita menapaus

Obesiti & Risiko Kanser

Kajian telah mendapati terdapat kaitan kegemukan berpanjangan terhadap risiko mendapat bagi wanita menapaus. Kajian mendapati wanita berlebihan berat badan dengan BMI >25kg/m2 dan obese dengan BMI >30 kg/m2 bagi satu jangka masa yang panjang tinggi risiko mendapat kanser endometrial dan buah pinggang. Risiko kanser payu dara juga tinggi bagi wanita menapaus yang menggunakan hormon, namun wanita yang tidak berlebihan berat badan tetapi menggunakan terapi hormone turut berisiko mendapat kanser payu dara.

Namun tempoh kegemukan tidak menunjukkan risiko terhadap kanser "gallbladder, ovarian, liver and thyroid.

Oleh itu, penemuan menunjukkan penurunan tempoh kegemukan dapat menurunkan risiko kanser dan pencegahan obesiti amat penting bagi langkah awal.

Penemuan menunjukkan risiko kanser bagi tempoh kegemukan yang panjang telah dikaitkan dengan obesiti boleh meningkatkan risiko dan keterukan keradangan kronik(chronic inflammation), kerosakan DNA oksidatif, dan perubahan dalam metabolisme hormon endogen.

Oleh hal yang demikian, kawalan kenaikan berat badan dan penurunan berat badan bagi yang obesiti dilihat sebagai satu langkah menurunkan risiko kanser bagi wanita yang telah menapaus. Malah terdapat penemuan terhadap BMI yang tinggi terhadap risiko kanser.

Diet, dan senaman dilihat memainkan peranan yang amat penting bagi menangani masalah kegemukan dalam masyarakat. Ahli professional kesihatan perlu melihat, penurunan berat badan bagi wanita yang obese sebagai langkah terbaik untuk menurunkan risiko mendapat kanser


Thursday, 27 October 2016

Weight loss plan

Weight loss

Nowadays, abundances of weight loss supplements, detox diets, and surgery available across the world. All is for weight loss plan. Of course, the result is losing weight. The reason many use this weight loss plan because they want the quickest result. We need to think back, to gain weight, become overweight and obese is require time, not a day, but period of time which depends on an individual. Therefore, same like weight loss, we need time and period to archive our dreams weight. Remember, the key of success is proper planning. Though following very low calorie may result in rapid weight loss in the short term, slow and steady wins the weight loss race. The most successful weight loss plans combine diet, exercise and behavioral therapy.

First, you need to identify the problem. though every person has a different situation, so
the approach to losing weight depends on the individual. Some of these behaviors are commonly facing by us:

  • Eating too many foods and beverages with added sugars and solid fats/condensed milk/creamer.
  • Eating too many refined grains
  • Eating big portions
  • Skipping meals
  • Frequently eating outsides
  • Grazing all day on high-calorie snacks
  • Eating for emotional reasons
  • Eating in front of a screen such as mobile device or television

Therefore, the best way to lose weight is to change the habits that are causing extra weight. This is where behavioral changes took place. For the best results, pick one habit at a time to change. For example, limiting sweet and cutting out fried foods or only eating out once a week. Replace those old habits with new good habits, such as eats fruits as snack and engage in exercise classes.

Keep track is very important so that your weight loss plan is working. Studies show people who self-monitor their meals lose more weight and keep it off. Do not measure your weight daily as it might not show result, but end up you gonna stress out yourself. The most successful "loser" tend to weight about once a week.

So, diet, exercise and behavioral changes that works together can give sinergistic effect for weight loss plan. Do not hurry to see the result. If you failed to change habits, in long term you'll gain weight or just at your current weight. Be patient and do not stress, as stress failed your weight loss plan. Be positive and keep calm.

This article is review from

Friday, 21 October 2016

How to Eat Healthy

Did you find eat healthy is hard??? Eat right can be very enjoyable and fun. Depends on how you practice the healthy diet.

Here are simple tips to help you follow an overall healthy dietary pattern. Remember eat right is your choices. Choose to eat right is the best decision for your healthy living.

What to include in your diet!!

  1. Fruits and vegetables
  2. Whole grains or whole meal
  3. Beans and legumes
  4. Nuts and seeds
  5. Fish and skinless poultry
  6. Fat-free and low-fat dairy products
  7. Healthy fats
What to limit!!
  1. Sodium and salt
  2. Saturated fats
  3. Sweets and added sugar
  4. Red meat- if eat select lean cuts
  1. Trans fats and partially hydrogenated oils
Tips for you
  • Choose foods wisely, ingredients and content can vary each product and brands
  • Compare nutrition information on food labels and choose products with the lowest sodium, sugars, saturated fats and free trans fats
  • Make sure your calorie intake is balanced with energy expenditure
  • Eat foods in reasonable portions. Avoid binge eating and extreme fasting
  • Eat a wide variety of foods to gets all nutrients that body needs.
  • Prepare your own foods and eats at home.
Eating right is about your attitude. Hard at beginning, but easy comes after. 

Enjoy healthy eating!!


Friday, 7 October 2016

Jom Kurus!



Ramai di antara kita yang ingin tubuh badan yang cantik ataupun kurus. Terutamanya golongan wanita. Kurus tu cantik ke?? Sememangnya kita harus mengawal berat badan kita daripada menjadi berlebihan berat badan atau obesity. Berat badan yang ideal dapat mengawal daripada mendapat penyakit kronik seperti tekananan darah tinggi dan kencing manis. Namun ramai yang ingin kurus bukannya untuk menjaga kesihatan tetapi lebih kepada untuk kepuasan diri sendiri iaitu untuk kelihatan menarik. Walhal, pelbagai cara mudah diambil untuk mendapatkan berat badan yang diingini seperti mengambil pil kurus, diet yang ekstrem, senaman melampau dan sebagainya. Cara penurunan berat yang cepat ataupun "crash diet" tidak bagus untuk kesihatan. Selain itu, selepas berhenti melakukan rutin tersebut berat badan akan naik berkali ganda. 

Proses penurunan berat badan memerlukan kesabaran dan masa yang agak lama. Kurus secara sihat lebih menumpukan kepada gaya hidup sihat berbanding diet ektrem ataupun pengambilan suplemen. Penurunan berat badan sebanyak 0.5-1 kg seminggu sudah cukup. Ini dapat dicapai dengan pengurangan sebanyak 500-1000 kcals dari diet harian berdasarkan keperluan badan. Diet hendaklah menfokuskan kepada pilihan makanan sihat seperti produk tenusu rendak lemak, buah-buahan dan sayuran, bijirin penuh dan kekacang. Cara yang terbaik ialah mengambil makanan mengikut waktu makan dan dalam kuantiti yang ditetapkan. Diet perlulah seimbang, pelbagai dan bersederhana. Anda boleh berjumpa Dietitian untuk mengetahui kalori yang perlu diambil dalam sehari beserta menu makan. Pemilihan makanan yang sihat merupakan langkah yang paling bijak untuk diet yang seimbang. Badan akan mendapat nutrient sepenuhnya daripada pemakanan yang seimbang. Walhal,kaedah seperti berpuasa untuk diet tidak bagus kerana penyekatan kalori menyebabkan badan tidak mendapat nutrient secukupnya.

Selain makan secara sihat, senaman adalah cara yang terbaik untuk membakar kalori. Mulakan senaman dengan intensiti rendah untuk menyesuaikan diri seperti berjalan laju, jogging dan turun naik tangga. Senaman selama 120 minit seminggu amat disarankan untuk mengurangkan berat sebayak 0.5-1kg seminggu. 

Semoga berjaya. Positifkan diri, dan bersabar. Insyaallah.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016


  • 1.     Maintain a healthy weight throughout life.

       Balance caloric intake with physical activity.
       Avoid excessive weight gain throughout the lifecycle.
       Achieve and maintain a healthy weight if currently overweight or obese.

  • 2.     Adopt a physically active lifestyle.

       Adults: engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate-to vigorous physical activity, above usual activities, on 5 or more days of the week. Forty-five to 60 minutes of intentional physical activity are preferable.
       Children and adolescents: engage in at least 60 minutes per day of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity at least 5 days per week.

  • 3.     Consume a healthy diet, with an emphasis on plant sources.

       Choose foods and beverages in amounts that help achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
       Eat five or more servings of a variety of vegetables and fruits each day.
       Choose whole grains in preference to processed [refined] grains.
       Limit consumption of processed and red meats.

  • 4.     If you drink alcoholic beverages, limit consumption.

       Drink no more than one drink per day for women or two per
day for men.

Thursday, 29 September 2016


High Blood Pressure

The medical term for high blood pressure is hypertension. Hypertension can  increase risks of heart disease and stroke. Hypertension is when your systolic blood pressure >140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure >90 mmHg. High blood pressure also can result in other conditions, such as congestive heart failure, kidney disease, and blindness. By following healthy lifestyle, high blood pressure can be control and prevented

Remember---YOU CAN DO IT!

1. Maintain a healthy weight
Check your BMI now. If you are overweight or obese lose weight slowly using healthy eating and engaging in physical activity. Check with your health care provider to see if you need to lose weight.

2. Be physically active everyday
You are encourage to engage in physical activity for a total of 30 minutes on most days of the week. You can combine everyday chores with moderate-level sporting activities, such as walking, to achieve physical activity goals

3. Follow a healthy eating plan
Your diet should have foods low in saturated fat, total fat, and cholesterol, and high in fruits, vegetables, and low fat dairy foods such as the DASH eating plan. If you need to lose weight, choose an eating plan that lower in calories.

4. Reduce sodium in your diet
Check food label and choose foods that are low in salt and other forms of sodium. Use spices, garlic, onions to add flavor without adding more sodium

5. Drink alcohol only in moderation

If you drink alcohol beverages, have only a moderate amount- one drink a day for women, two drinks a day for men. Too much alcohol only add unneeded calories to your diet

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Benefits of GREEN TEA


Hello, everyone and have a nice day. So, here is some benefits of green tea that we would like to share. Recently, there are a lot of food supplement for weight loss purpose contain green tea inside. And many of detox supplement contain green tea. Honestly, green tea is good to consume.

Green tea is rich in antioxidants about (60-80%) known as CATECHINS. Recently, many people claims green tea as cleansing food. But, NO current scientific evidence that shows cleansing effect by follow green tea detox diet.

1) Studies found green tea can help in weight reduction. They proposed antiobesity of green tea as green tea increase the energy expenditure, increase fat oxidation, reduce nutrient absorption and reduce appetite. With that its increase weight loss, reduce body fat and decrease abdominal fat.

2) Green tea can improve liver function in NAFLD patient. With consumption of high density catechins the serum ALT was seen to decrease.

3) Besides, green tea also can improve lipid profile and glycemic control. Studies found catechins showed higher potency against hypercholesterolemia and EGCG reduced the hyperglycemia significantly. They found the glucose lowering properties is not correlating with insulin but due to antioxidant nature of green tea.

So, because green tea is rich in antioxidants, it is beneficial for us. If you are tea lovers, you may add green tea in your daily life. To be healthy consume green tea without sugar added or any creamer.