Monday 5 December 2016

Why healthy diet seems difficult??

What behind this??

Healthy dietary practice must be a part of life to stay healthy throughout  life. But, many factors contribute towards the unhealthy diet and sedentary life styles. Personal, social & environmental factors is the main contributors. Individual factor is including lack of nutrition knowledge, motivation, and self monitoring. Even though peoples is getting smarter but with easily access to information via internet, some might get wrong facts about diet such as fad diet, detox drink, and etc. There are so many people claims as nutritionist and dietitian online. The best example is those that sell weight loss product online come out with many claims. People needs to get the right fact and information from the right sources, Do not easily belief to product that claims in curing disease, promote weight loss and boost metabolism. The individual factor also include the physiological factors. Example when the person eats sugary food or refined carbs, they tend to eats more since they do not feel full. Eat food with high fiber content can be helpful to promote satiety and feeling full longer. Refusal to eats fruits, vegetables and dairy product also is very common.

Social support is very important in healthy dietary practice. Family, friends, and community is very influence in our daily diet. Because we used to eats together and food choices must be acceptable by everyone. The problem is when we choose unhealthy diet such as fast food, dessert, midnight dinner and etc. Individual basis self monitoring is very important to build the best social support group in practicing healthy diet.

Environment factors included food availability, food ads, promotion, food outlet, restaurant and fast food, make people have so many unhealthy choice of food. Food and beverages industry is rapidly developing and not so many F&B industry follow healthy dietary guidelines.

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