Friday 2 February 2018

CVD- CPG 2017

In Malaysia, CVD has been the leading cause of morbidity and mortality for more than a decade. CVD is the main cause of global mortality and contributor to disease-related disability. Reducing/modifying CVD risk factor is very important.

Non-modifiable risk factors:
Increasing age, Gender – females develop CVD about a decade later, Family history of premature CVD, Ethnicity (South Asian-Indian)

Modifiable risk factors:

Diet/Dietary patterns, Smoking, Physical inactivity, Obesity/Overweight, Hypertension, Dyslipidemia, Diabetes mellitus, Cardio-Metabolic Risk
*Diet and lifestyle factors such as smoking, physical inactivity, and alcohol consumption, may contribute by as much as much as 70% towards the development of other CV risk factors such as abdominal obesity, hypertension, diabetes and hypercholesterolemia.


Nutrition – A diet high in fibre, fruits and vegetable, whole grain, low in salt and saturated/trans-fat is associated with lower CV risk. A healthy food portion recommendation is the #QuarterQuarterHalf plate
Physical activity (PA) - Any amount of PA is better than none. Regular PA reduces all causes and CV mortality. Minimum 30 min/day, 5 days/week of moderate intensity PA (i.e. 150 min/week) or 15 min/day, 5 days/week of vigorous intensity PA (75 min/week) recommended
Overweight and obesity - Overweight and obese individuals should reduce weight at least a 5-10% weight loss. A small 3-5% weight loss itself is associated with a clinically significant reduction in CVD risk factors – blood pressure (BP), blood glucose and lipid.

Malaysian Healthy Eating Recommendations

A diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish and low in salt and saturated/trans-fat is linked to a lower CV risk.
The #QuarterQuarterHalf plate recommendation of food portions consist of:
1.       Quarter of the plate* being carbohydrate – rice, noodles, bread, cereals and other cereal products and/or tubers.
2.       Quarter of the plate* being protein- fish, poultry, meat and/or legumes.
3.       Half of the plate* being fruits and vegetables.
4.        Drinking plain water (instead of sugary drinks).

Together with the following 5 key recommendations, consume:
1.       3 regular healthy main meals everyday.
2.       1-2 servings of healthy snacks when necessary.
3.       At least half of your grains from whole grains.
4.       Non-fried & santan-free dishes everyday.
5.       Home cooked foods more often.

Remember and Practice Daily: 88888**
1.       Stop eating before you are full (approximately 80%).
2.       Have your dinner before 8 pm.
3.       Drink 8 glasses of water.
4.       Sleep 8 hours.
5.       Walk at least 8000 steps a day (10,000 steps are better).

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