Wednesday 29 November 2017

Where is Malaysia in the midst of the Asian epidemic of diabetes mellitus?

Abstract by (Zaini, 2000)

Population studies all over the world have clearly showed that the prevalence of Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is escalating at phenomenal scale and very likely we are heading towards epidemic proportions.

In 1985, the estimated population of diabetic individuals in the world was 30 million but by 1995 this figure soared to 135 million. Based on current trends, epidemiologists predict that the population of diabetic individuals will swell up to a staggering 300 million by the year 2025. Almost half of that will be in the Asia Oceania region alone. Dr Hilary King of WHO pointed out that there will be a projected rise of about 42% in developed countries whereas the developing countries will see an escalation to the magnitude of 170% (H. King, R.E. Aubert, W.H. Herman, Global burden of diabetes, 1995–2025: prevalence, numerical estimates and projections, Diabetes Care 21 (1998) 1414–1431; WHO Health Report 1997, WHO Switzerland). There will be a 3-fold rise of the disease in Asia and much of these will be seen in China (40 million) and India (55 million) by virtue of the massive population of these countries.

Nevertheless, the other rapidly developing Asian nations like Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and those making up Indochina will experience the surge. At the same time the prevalence and incidence of diabetes complications will also increase. Based on recent WHO prediction (WHO Newsletter, The global burden of diabetes 1995–2025. World Diabetes 3 (1997) 5–6), it is estimated that by the year 2000 the following figures will be seen:

Taiwan                 35% with retinopathy
Japan                    35% with nephropathy
Thailand               20% nephropathy
Sri Lanka              12% cardiovascular disease

Diabetes complications are major causes of premature death all over the world and most of these are avoidable. DCCT and UKPDS are landmark studies showing strong evidence that major complications can be drastically reduced by maintaining to near normoglycaemic control.

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