Friday 10 February 2017

The Omega Fats

 By replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats reduce cardiovascular disease risk factors. The role of fatty acids in the body depends on the length of the carbon chain, the degree of saturation, and the position of double bonds. Dietary fats may be oxidized as energy or stored as triglycerides.

 Omega-3 Fatty Acids (EPA +DHA)

 Most people know this omega fats. As people will consume fish oil to get this fats. Review study shows, that fish or fish oil providing approximately 250 mg of EPA + DHA daily significantly lowers the risk of coronary heart disease(CHD) death by 36% compared with not consuming EPA + DHA. Beside, studies suggest that EPA and DHA intake is critical for the development of fetal brain and retina. In one small studies, found that mothers who took DHA supplements during pregnancy gave birth to children who demonstrated better problem-solving skills at 9 months old. Morever, these fatty acids potentially have strong anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, it may benefits in the treatment or prevention of age-related macular degeneration, ADHD, rheumatoid arthritis, and asthma.

 Omega-3 Fatty Acids (ALA)

 EPA and DHA often are the most well known and are the focus of research. But, ALA also provides health benefits. Evidence are demonstrating a beneficial role of ALA in the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Besides, studies support ALA's potential benefits in chronic inflammation, the metabolic syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, cancer, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis.

 Omega-6 Fatty Acids (LA)

 LA is the precursor to AA. By consuming at lest 5% to 10% of energy from omega-6 fatty acids decreases the risk of CHD or 2.5% to 9% of energy. Research have debated the merits of limiting omega-6 fatty acids in diet to decrease the production of inflammatory compounds.

 MUFAs Omega-9 Fatty Acids

 When this fats replace saturated fatty acids in the diet, LDL cholesterol levels improve, HDL cholesterol remain stable, and insulin resistance improves. When replacing carbohydrate in the diet, omega-9 fats increase HDL cholesterol levels and decrease triglycerides levels.Oleic acid is the predominant omega-9 fatty acids in the diet mainly from olive oil.

 Omega-7 Fatty Acids

 Palmitoleic acid, its purported to reduce inflammation, increase satiety, promote weight loss, lower cholesterol and triglycerides levels, and improve insulin resistance.Its suggest more reseacrh to support this must be done.

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