Saturday, 21 January 2017

The link between sleep and weight gain

Everyone love to sleep silently and we all need to get a good night's sleep. Sleep well make us to feel refreshed, energized, and ready to conquer the world. But when don't get enough sleep, we feel fatigued, sluggish, and irritable. Sleep deprived daytime sleepiness and effect our job.

Adults should get between seven and nine hours of sleep each night. Yet, we sleep less than that. Adequate sleep restores us physically, mentally, and emotionally. In a nutshell, sleep is essential to our short and long term health. Okay that is huge benefits of sleep. What we would like to focus is that research shows that sufficient sleep plays an important role in weight management and decreasing the risk of metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance and diabetes as well other sleep-related problems.

Sleepiness is regulated by the physiological need for sleep, yes we do need sleep, our body to get sleep also combined with the body's circadian rhythm (also known as the biological clock). Many factor can cause a shift in normal circadian patterns include sleep patterns (eg, sleeping during daylight hours), light, exercise, meal times, temperature, and exogeneous melatonin. Okay, the circadian disruptions, can lead to various hormonal and metabolic changes that result in obesity, diabetes, and even decrease life expectancy.

Some studies have shown a relationship between short sleep and weight gain. Research also has found that higher BMI is strongly linked to short sleep in children. Besides, sleep quantity and quality have been shown to play role in regulating the hormone ghrelin, known as hunger hormone that controls appetite.

Friday, 20 January 2017

Chia: Popular seeds

Chia seeds

Nutrient Composition

Consuming chia seeds without knowing the benefits is okay but to know about that is amazing. The seeds are rich source of ALA, fiber, minerals, and antioxidants. By caloric content, chia seeds are 53% fat, 35% carbohydrate, and 12% protein.

Major nutrients (7.4g) Dried chia seeds
Total fat (g)
Total MUFA(g)
Total PUFA(g)
Total saturated fat (g)
Total Carbo. (g)
Protein (g)
Total fiber (g)
Soluble fiber (g)
Insoluble fiber (g)
Calcium (mg)
Potassium (mg)

Chia seeds can provide you with the good fatty acids which is majority of chia’s PUFA content is ALA (75%), the parent omega-3 fatty acid. Research found, people consuming a Mediterranean diet high in ALA experienced lower rates of death, hospitalization, and cardiac arrest. Higher plasma ALA was also found to inversely associated with fatal heart attack recurrence. In addition, as we increased dietary ALA in diet is associated with reduced risk of atherosclerosis, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. Chia also contain 18 amino acids, including all nine essential amino acids. Besides, insoluble fiber is predominant in chia seeds, about 87% of total fiber content. 

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Healthy weight

Preventing weight gain

Lovely greetings from us!!!

Remember handsome boy and beautiful sister, preventing weight gain while you still in healthy weight is very important. So now you need to start planning to stay at healthy weight. Healthy weight is where your BMI is still in normal range. Otherwise if you are overweight but still not planning to lose weight, therefore preventing further weight gain should be your goal. You need to bare in your mind, the goal is healthy weight.
How old is you now??? 20, 30, 40???  Whatever it is, as we age, our body composition gradually shift, the proportion of muscle decrease and the proportion of fat increases. With this shift, our body metabolism slows down and making it easier to gain weight. Muscle decrease also when people become less physically active, increasing the risk of weight gain.
But, forget all about the chances and risk of weight gain. Now we focus on preventing the weight gain. The good news is that weight gain can be prevented by choosing a lifestyle that includes good eating habits and daily physical activity. Why good eating habits??? Because habits will change overall of your diet. Without good habits, soon healthy diet fail, especially when you not ready to change your habits or you don’t want to change. Yeah!! Changing habit is very difficult, but you the only one whose make the decision. Please put this in mind, or mind about it, haha just the same, by avoiding weight gain, you avoid higher risks of many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, T2DM, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, and some forms of cancer.

The right eating plan

What is right eating plan??? You can follow the food pyramid or Malaysian healthy plate. A lot of eating plan, that is some of them. We have the DASH diet even though its design for hypertension, but benefits to normal people, we also can follow Mediteranean diet. The goal is to make a habit out of choosing foods that are nutritious and healthful. Most of eating plan, guide you to choose healthy foods, that provide all the essential nutrients needed to the body.
To prevent weight gain, then you’ll want to choose foods that supply you with the calories to maintain your weight. Every people’s calories vary accordingly, its depends on your weight, height, age, sex, and activity level. There will be calculation involve.

Get Moving!
Before we getting too old to be physically active, better to start now. In healthy eating plan, an active lifestyle will help you to maintain your weight. This will help you to burn excess calorie, this makes it more likely you’ll maintain your weight. Physical activity is integral part of weight management, it’s also vital part of health in general. It keeps your body fit, and more confident. Beside physical activity also help in reducing the stress. Regular physical activity can reduce our risk for many chronic disease and it can help keep your boy healthy and strong.


How frequent did you weight yourself?? Every day, every month, year?? As you want to maintain weight or prevent weight gain, you may also find it helpful to weight yourself on a regular basis. 1-2 times in a month. If you someone whose gain weight fast, check it once in weeks. With these strategies, you make it more likely that you’ll catch small weight gains more quickly. If weight is detected check this!!
·         Has my activity level changed?? Or drop??
·         Am I eating more than usual? Then you can keep food diary for a few days.
If you find yourself, where the problem, either you’ve decrease your activity level or made some poor food choices, make a commitment to yourself to back on track. Planning your reasonable goals which may help you get more physical activity and make better food choices.

The end….LOL

Thursday, 5 January 2017


Hiperlipidemia ialah keadaan dimana anda mempunyai tahap kolesterol yang tinggi atau lemak jahat (TG) dalam darah. Tahap kolesterol boleh dikenalpasti dengan melakukan ujian darah. Hiperlipidemia boleh menyebabkan penyakit jantung seperti arteriosklerosis iaitu penyempitan saluran darah. Hiperlipidemia boleh dielakkan dengan diet sihat dan aktiviti fizikal. Terdapat ubat yang akan disarankan oleh doktor untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol namun ianya tidak dapat menandingi kepentingan gaya hidup yang sihat.

Andakah berisiko??

1. Mempunyai berat badan berlebihan atau obes.
2. Kurang aktif
3. Keturunan
4. Alkohol
5. Pengambilan lemak tepu berlebihan

5 langkah menurunkan jumlah lemak dalam badan

1. Kurangkan berat badan
2. Tingkatkan pengambilan serat
3. Pilih lemak yang sihat
4. Pilih sumber protein yang sihat
5. Lakukan senaman berkala